Thursday, March 29, 2012

10 Months OLD!!

I mean, 2 months till you turn ONE! I am beyond denial. I love you and am so happy you are cutting your first tooth.

Another double ear infection doctor visit has me wondering if tubes are in your future. We shall see.

You are eating up a storm and sleeping much better at night. Happy on my hip, you cuddle your sweet head onto my shoulder so often. When I come to get you from naps you lay your head on me as to slowly wake up. Sometimes you will let me hold you like that for so long I almost fall alseep.

You love your brother and still no one can make you laugh harder. Bath is something you always want to jump into.

Walking is just around the corner. So fast! So fast!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Signing for the first time

I swear you signed earlier today. It wasn't until dinner that I was sure you signed "more"

I had given you yogurt chips, you love them. I gave you some veg dinner. You were signing more and looking the yogurt chips. DUH you want those instead of veg mush. So we went back and forth signing a bit. I was super excited to see you tell me what you want. Now you just have to learn to change your own diaper. :)

Smiles... my silly guy

Sunday, March 18, 2012


You point at things now. That just started. A tooth is almost in and you amazed me tonight with a frog book. As we flipped through the pages we saw various animals. When we got to the frog you closed the book and opened it over and over. I realized the frog was also on the cover of the book. You did this over and over as if to compare the two frogs. Pointing a few times. I was so surprised! You eat like a tank and don't drink much milk. You always have a dirty diaper for me but a smile as well so who cares

You take the stairs like a boss


That face!!

Is there something on my face?

I don't like this one bit

Can hold his own at the playground

First carousel ride

Hair blowing and holding tight!

Monday, March 5, 2012

9 months old

Can't believe you are 9 months old!

You are such a big boy now. Still sleeping 2x a day and getting up around 4am for a little feed but pretty soon you will be walking and talking.

I have to start planning your party! this is killing me how soon I will have a one year old. You are such a relaxed baby. You make it easy on me and Mama loves that. Put you in a carseat after 5pm and you aren't a happy camper.

Your favorite toy is this plastic chicken leg. I think it fits around your tiny fingers just right. You carry it with you all the time. You actually are napping with it now. Still look for the cat first thing in the morning. Your brother makes you giggle and you flirt with every cute girlie you see.