Wednesday, November 30, 2011


So went to the mall the other day and there was no line for Santa's lap. I wasn't going to take you but I thought that you should have your own picture on his lap this year in addition to the cute double shots we will get later. I am happy you had some red socks on and your serious face. It was before nap and you were focused. YOu were more interested in looking at his facial hair than the camera. No crying at all. This won't be the first time this season you sit on his lap. We have a few more to go.

Also snuck in a picture your daddy took over the weekend. Shockingly you are getting more kisses. Sick of those yet?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First Food

You had your first taste of rice cereal the other day. We took it outside since it was beyond nice out that day.  Your brother gave your your first spoonful. (See videos below)

You were into it. I think you were more into the spoon but any interest at all is great. Another milestone... there are so many in the first year. It is hard to believe we are already 1/2 way through it.  Next up either sweet potatoes or carrots!

First Thanksgiving and 6 MONTHS OLD!!!!

SOOOO many Pictures. I am sure to anyone else one would do. I have to see them all.

This first Thanksgiving for you was spent at home. You got your brother pretty sick. Little rascal! Miles had to go to the ER on Thursday and we hung out. You rolled around on the floor and even started getting up on all 4 and rocking. I was shocked.

You are just about to start solids and you are close to sleeping all the way through the night. You wake about once or maybe twice. When you do wake up in the am, you will sit in your crib and talk for a while.

I think you are floating between 2 and 3 naps. Trying to figure out how to drop the last one but wasn't successful yet. I actually had to put you to bed at 5 p.m. last night you were so tired.

Beyond that you are a growing boy. You have rolls and rolls. The minute I go to change yoru diaper, the feet flip up in the air and go into the mouth. You suck your thumb on your left hand and suck on the first two fingers on your right. You smile oh so much and your hair is growing so fast.

Your brother says your nickname is "firetruck" He still loves to get in your face and make you laugh. No teeth yet. You hate getting in the car seat but give in after a few minutes of driving. You rub your ear and talk like crazy when you are tired. You love to eat tags and your lion blanket just as much as ever. Next week we see the dr. for your 6 month checkup. fingers crossed you barely notice the shots. I am not betting on it.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Just another day at home but you are so sweet I had to capture it.

This week I saw you up on your knees rocking. I can't believe it. You can scoot backwards pretty well but I wasn't ready to see you on your knees already. You roll like a champ and caught your first little cold... either that or teeth are on the horizon.

Sleep is still not amazing but I am not dying either. You fall asleep on your own for naps and at night. I think you wake about 2 times a night but sometimes 3. You sleep late some days and you are pretty chill.

Thursday, November 10, 2011