Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Still Sleeping

baby feet are the best

Someone fell asleep during our morning meeting.  How rude!  He even started to snore.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This Morning

This morning your brother crawled into bed with us. He kissed your head and was insistant that he lay next to you. He leaned over and said "I love you more wiggles than worms"  I guess that is the best way to wake up at 6 a.m.  My heart melted a little bit.

Just hours before...

Yes I take pictures. No I sadly never took photos of my bump during pregnancy. Kinda like the web designer who never has time to design their own site.

We were relaxing on Memorial Day weekend and decided to hit a park up after Miles' nap. It was our wedding anniversary and we were just staring at my stomach hoping you would make your debut soon.

Daddy took my camera to the park. He snapped some shots and I asked him to take a few of my stomach just because I thought it was a shame I didn't have any.

I started feeling contractions around 8 p.m. that night. Just about 3 hours after these photos were taken. Talk about cutting it close!

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Bath

this shot of miles....

this shot of Ash... makes me realize that they are brothers. 

Gave you a bath and you loved it. Submerged in the warm water you just relaxed. After that you crashed out.


Walk in the park today after a music class. you slept the whole time. Made it home in time for lunch and then you got a bath... finally.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

2 week dr appointment

8 pounds 4 oz
20 1/2 inches
50% height and weight
25% head size

Growing boy is already over his birth weight and we are also safe to submerge you in the tube.

In bed

You slept for a few hours with us in bed. I loved it and don't want to get too used to it

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Few more shots

You are proving harder to take pictures of than I thought. I guess it is because I am a tad tired or maybe it is because when you fuss I have to take care of it and then get back to focusing on pictures.
Either way I still love what I got only because they are of YOU!

More sleep

Friday, June 10, 2011

Family Portrait

we will have to take an official one, but Uncle Paul snapped this when he met Ash for the first time.

Thanks Uncle Paul!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fresh and clean

Your hair stands straight up after bath!

Ergo and walk

Miles tried on the ergo After watching me wear it with Ash. He giggled and said "mommy you are pretending to be auntie Sharon! Your silly!"

Daddy went to e3 and we went out walking on some errands. Miles said he wanted to go the long way and I agreed.  You also tried sour patch kids and told me they were too spicy. You are too cute.

Monday, June 6, 2011

More Sleep

Yeah about now all you do is poop, sleep and eat. 



Miles on my right and ash in the wrap, we enjoy a morning cuddle as we watched cartoons. Miles' hand was wrapped around my arm and he snuggled with me and his brother.